Before June 7th, 2024

After June 7th, 2024

Hotels Single Room Double Room
per person
Single Room Double Room
per person
Nirvana Cosmopolitan Hotel 960 EUR 690 EUR 1.170 EUR 795 EUR
Other Hotel 960 EUR 690 EUR 1.170 EUR 795 EUR


Before June 7th, 2024

After June 7th, 2024

Hotels Single Room Double Room
per person
Single Room Double Room
per person
Nirvana Cosmopolitan Hotel 1.280 EUR 920 EUR 1.560 EUR 1.060 EUR
Other Hotel 1.280 EUR 920 EUR 1.560 EUR 1.060 EUR
  • Official 2% city tax and VAT 10% should be added on the accommodation fees.
  • Prices are for a 3-night package (Check-in: October 31st, 2024, Check-out: November 3rd, 2024) or 4-night package (Check-in: October 30th, 2024, Check-out: November 4th, 2024), and all hotels work on all-inclusive basis.
  • Accommodation reservations are confirmed upon full payment of the accommodation fees. For the confirmation of your accommodation booking, please send the receipt of payment to the congress secretariat via e-mail.
  • The outside participation fee is 300 € for the whole congress period. It includes; entrance to the congress venue between 08:00 - 18:00 on related days, daily coffee breaks, lunches and social activities.

Outside Participation Fee Package
(4 days | October 31st - November 3rd, 2024)

300 EUR

Outside participation fee is mandatory for those participants who are not staying at one of the congress hotels. Once a participant enters one of the all-inclusive concept hotels, there is no control over the services included in this concept. This fee has been considered in the fees above, and all participants who don’t book via Organizing Secretariat shall pay the Outside Participation Fee.


Account / Recipient ID Bosphorus Kongre Organizasyon Etkinlik ve Danismanlık Hiz.
Bank Garanti BBVA
Branch Kosuyolu (1016)
TL IBAN No. TR04 0006 2001 0160 0006 2962 04
EUR IBAN No. TR73 0006 2001 0160 0009 0769 22

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations will be valid if notified in writing to Bosphorus MICE.

For cancellations of registration and accommodation;

  • made until June 7th, 2024 will be refunded as 50 %.
  • made after June 7th, 2024, no refunds will be granted.

All refunds will be processed one month after the congress.